हाँसौं र हसाऔ - मरेर लनु के नै छ र: Nepali Jokes: Dafne
प्रेमीका – तिमी बिहे पछि चुरोट पिउन छोड्छौ ?प्रेमी – किन नछोड्नु अवश्य पनि छोड्छु ।प्रेमीका – रक्सी र तास नि !प्रेमी – त्यो पनि छोड्छु ।प्रेमीका – बिहे अघि चाँहि के के छोड्ने विचार गरेको छौ नि !प्रेमी – तिमीलाई !प्रेमीका – तिमी नभएमा म बाँच्न सक्दिन तिमी म संग कहिले बिहे गर्छौ ?प्रेमी – प्रिय म तिमीसंग अवश्य विहे गर्छु तर पहिले मलाई अफ्नो परिवार संग सोध्नु पर्छ।प्रेमीका – के तिम्रो बुवा–आमाले मान्नु हुन्छ त ?प्रेमी – किन नमान्नु मेरो बुवा – आमाले मेरो निजी जिवनमा चासो गर्नु हुन्न । मलाई त मेरो श्रीमती र छोराको पो डर छ त !
हाँसौं र हसाऔ - मरेर लनु के नै छ र: Nepali Jokes: Dafne
एउटा गोरो मान्छे थियो , जब उस्को छोरो जन्म्यो त्यो कालो न कालो । उ आफ्नो स्वास्नीको मा गयो र सोध्यो :
" हैन म पनि गोरो तिमी पनि गोरी छोरो चाँही किन यस्तो कालो ?
स्वास्नी : डार्लिङ, म पनि Hot तिमी पनि Hot , बच्चा जल्यो होला नि ।
एउटा बच्चा एउटा किताब एकदम ध्यान दिएर पढि रहेको थियो जसको शिर्षक थियो " बच्चाहरुको पालन पोषण कसरी गर्ने "
आमा : हैन तैले यो किताब किन पढ्दै छस ?
छोरो : म यो जान्न चाहन्छु कि मेरो पालन पोषण राम्रो सँग भई रहेको छ कि छैन भनेर ।
हाँसौं र हसाऔ - मरेर लनु के नै छ र: Nepali Jokes: Dafne
एकदिन राजेश हमाल ररजनी कान्त गफ गर्दैथिए
राजेश हमाल : ल भन तैले बाटोमा ५०० र १००० को नोट देख्यो भने कुन चै तिप्छ्स ?
रजनी कान्त : १०००देखी देखी ५०० टिप्छु
होला र !! १००० कै टिप्छु नि !
राजेश हमाल : थुक्क मुला !! तँ त मुर्ख नै रैछ्स नि !!
रजनी कान्त : किन ? के भन्छ ?
राजेश हमाल : बाटोमा भेटे पछी दुइटै पो टिप्नु पर्छ त !!
हाँसौं र हसाऔ - मरेर लनु के नै छ र: Nepali Jokes: Dafne
अमेरिकाबाट गाऊँमा हर्केलाइ फोनमा फुर्ति लाऊँदै शेरे,
शेरे: ओबामालाइ चिन्छस?..
हर्के: चिन्दिन
शेरे: अमेरिका आए पो चिन्थिस, एन्जेलिना जोलीलाइ नि?.
हर्के: अहँ चिन्दिन
शेरे: अंग्रेजी फिल्म हेरे पो चिन्थिस, रिहानालाइ नि?..
हर्के: चिन्दिन
शेरे: अंग्रेजी गीत सुने पो चिन्थिस, लन्ठु शेरेका कुरा सुनेर हर्के झन्कींदै भन्यो ‘बिर्खेलाई चिन्छस?..
शेरे: अहँ चिन्दिन यार
हर्के: तेरै स्वास्नीको boy friend हो, कहिल्यै घर बसे पो चिन्थिस..
केटा : तिम्रो र मेरो बिहे होला जस्तो छैन ।
केटी : किन ?केटा : म हिजो तिम्रो घर गएको थिएँ
केटी : के मेरो बाबासँग भेट भयो ?
केटा : होईन तिम्रो बहिनिसँग भेट भको थियो ।
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
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Dafne-India- Nepal |
A highly communicative bird, the Himalayan monal uses several different call types to express meaning to its mate, other birds in its foraging group, or intruding birds. Males also use body displays to attract females; bobbing the head-crest and fanning their tail feathers. The breeding season begins in April when the monals are at higher altitudes. The male switches from calling only in the early morning to calling throughout the day. Once a female notices his display they mate and shortly afterwards she scrapes a nest in the ground and lays between three and five eggs. The female must incubate the eggs alone, but the male will stand guard throughout the 27-day incubation period and until fledging to protect the eggs and chicks from predators. After six months the young are completely independent and must search for food and mates alone (5). Like many of the pheasants, quails and partridges in the Phasianidae family, the Himalayan monal has very strong legs and a long, curved beak which together enable it to dig into the hard soil of the mountains to uncover seeds, tubers, shoots, berries, and insects. This method of foraging leaves conspicuous areas of turned over soil up to 25 cm deep on hillsides
The Strangers in Your Dreams are Actually People That You’ve Seen in Real Life!
The human brain is responsible for many complex creations, but it can’t invent the image of people. So the “strangers” that you meet in your dreams actually have the faces of people who you’ve once seen in your real life but forgotten, like your childhood mailman or that guy bumped into on the side walk that one time.
Chances are that you’ve laid their eyes on more than a few individuals, and so the brain as a huge cast of characters to play with when you drift off to sleep. Except for in the case of extreme psychological disorder, every human being dreams. In fact, in a recent study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each dream but still allowed 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty concentrating, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis in a span of three days.
When they were allowed their REM sleep, their brains compensated for the lost time by increasing the percentage of the sleep spent in the REM stage. Dreams are a window into the subconscious. Even though most of the time, they’re completely random, disorganized, and we forget 90% of them within 10 minutes of waking up; many people have drawn inspiration from their dreams. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was a based on a dream that she had.
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